Today, do something unexpected

>>>Good morning & happy Wednesday! I hope you’re enjoying it fully already (with a tall cup of coffee, of course). I wanted to share a few quotes and words with you all with colorful backgrounds because I’m feeling extra colorful, extra optimistic, extra positively fantastic. When I am feeling this cheerful, I often need to add a bit of perspective to my situation and truly study WHY and WHAT I’m happy about. Is it because I enjoy my job? Is it because two of my best friends are moving here in the next few months? Is it because I have visitors coming in August and September with other exciting events planned in the future? Well, yes to all the above.But that’s not all….

>>>Something that was reiterated to me this week is that happiness doesn’t depend on location, friends, jobs, experiences. It’s a choice you can make regardless of outside circumstances. All of these things can be taken away from me. All of these things can alter and change. What is constant is my attitude, my mindset, my optimism. My joy. I chose to be happiness because I am alive. I am happy because I woke up this morning with a fresh start and a brand new day. I am happy because I was given this insanely fun gift called life. And I’m going to enjoy it 100% today. Hope you do the same! xo

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